I went to a pretty conservative baptist church with my religion class and I brought up the question/statement to the pastor:
The bible has been used misused justify atrocities (ex: slavery) and the oppression of many people, and the bible is being used for the oppression of gay people now, do you see a connection between the use of the bible incorrectly to oppress?
I got the answer: The bible doesn't say slavery was right and using to justify it was wrong but gay rights is different and it is specified in the bible that it is wrong. (But in a very long winded and annoying way.) And that version of slavery is not applicable to what it became (this complicated huge thing).
I asked: Then how is the union of Adam and Eve (which was not specified as
marriage) applicable to what his opinion of what marriage should be today? How was what people said about same-sex sexual relations applicable to the love they share for each other now? How do you choose what is applicable to society now? People chose what was applicable and then it changed (ex: now slavery is seen as wrong by most) so how is this not one of those things? Oppression is oppression, it doesn't matter if your canon of belief says it's okay. Oppression is not justified by any biblical teaching, I'm not saying not agreeing is oppression, I'm saying the fact that this complicated matter is simplified in a such a way that people believe they have a right to treat people badly (not serving them, calling their marriage invalid) for it is oppression. I know what oppression is.
I was told: But you don't live in the 1960s you don't face discrimination/oppression.
I'm black and I'm a woman, I face discrimination and a white male (I love me a white male, black male, any color male) telling me that I don't just because it is not extremely blatant to them is ignorant and (in my opinion) annoying. I have to deal with people's ignorance on who I am and what people who look like me do everyday and you are telling me I don't know what oppression is, what discrimination is. That is
blatant ignorance.
I was asked by my sister later on today day: How are LGBTQIA people being oppressed?
The fact that they are killed, sent to jail, or ostracized by people who said they loved and cared about them is maltreatment and this being done in parts of government (and yes it is happening) is oppression.
No only do I abhor (and I mean abhor) people who oversimplify the lives and legitimate love of so many people to that it is just
wrong, I also hate the way it is used to make LGBTQIA people feel. You can say that is what you believe (and I admire people who do) but that doesn't make it right (I know I must consider this also).
And I wondered how it would feel on his (the pastor) conscience if God turned out not to be real and he made so many people fearful and hate themselves, told so many people they were going to hell, and the fact that they feel correct in justifying the death of people who saw no other way out of this on something they cant even prove.
I agree with any statement of being disrespectful to him, I admire his heart about what he feels, but I don't admire the affect that his ignorance has on so many people's lives. Also I don't respect people who make people feel like crap, that's bullying, and justified by what? I know what it's like not to fit in or to be liked, or to feel so bad about yourself you wish you would just die, and people who try to justify making people feel like that don't have my sympathy.
(I a trying to get better with people who I disagree with but it's very hard, best believe I'm trying tho! And the more I speak out for what I believe in the way that I do, I realize how whiny people are about challenging figures that they follow without question. Idc if I offend you, grow a pair and hear what others think [and I have to do the same, but if you gonna say stupid crap please back it up with basic human decency and logic lol] xx)
But to combat this tone I shall have a picture of Jensen Ackles!
He's my bowlegged sweet-heart <3
For your listening pleasure: