Saturday, April 30, 2016

Prom and the such

Went to prom tonight, I'm a Junior so I was able to. My friends and I had an amazing time and my feet hurt from the heels so I'm going to bed haha. Goodnight.

For your listening pleasure:
Fireball By: Pitbull

Friday, April 29, 2016

Good Films

I adore a good film, though what I think is a "good" film might night not be what others do, or what critics do. And I love a lot of films for reasons people don't expect. First off, I love drama, I love comedy tons, but I always say it's not a good film unless I'm crying. I don't only watch dramas though, I love the cult classics, musicals, and if I'm in the mood I might watch a rom-com. But I guess I'll give some examples of some of my favorite films and why.
(I know I did something like this but I only had The Paperboy, Neo Ned, Resevior Dogs, and Trainspotting and I've talked about Brokeback Mountain, I really love that film)
Ps: I'm way better at talking about what I hate about bad films and I am at talking about the things I love about a film haha. I cant spot why something makes me feel all warm and fuzzy tbh.

This film is adapted from a play and it stars "Meryl StreepJulia RobertsEwan McGregorChris CooperAbigail BreslinBenedict CumberbatchJuliette LewisMargo MartindaleDermot Mulroney, and Julianne Nicholson" (That list is straight from Wikipedia). Though it is adapted from a play and it's setting is the house 80% of the time it's still fabulous with great actors left and right. Meryl Streep's performance is stunning (as to be expected). The soundtrack was also a huge part of my loving this film, not only is their great writing and great actors there's also beautiful music! Listen to it if you can! Watch it if you can!

Now this film, I literally just finished watching this film 30 minutes ago. It's also adapted from a play. Again I'm a bigger fan on different locations but it stays in an apartment. It's about two pairs of parents talking about one of their kids hitting the other. I'm telling you, this isn't The Slap, this is good, I'm sure you could tell it is because of Polanski (though I know a good director can make a bad movie. I watched this film because I was in the Christoph Waltz-y mood and I was pleasantly surprised! I loved Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster in this, amazing amazing. (The Slap was this crap show about a parent slapping someone's kid, it was on NBC and it didn't last very long, it was unbelievable stupid haha).

This movie is an adaption, of "Great Expectations" by: Charles Dickens. Wikipedia summary: "While civil war rages on her island, a girl immerses herself in an imaginary world which fuses the Victorian London of "Great Expectations" with the environment and people she knows" We all know Hugh Laurie is a fabulous actor and great acting+a lot of heart (cliche I know, but it's really true) and Charles Dickens = a great film.

This a film about a man who was wrongly accused of being a pedophile by a little girl who had a crush on him. I knew this had to be film made in another country because this isn't a big subject matter for films in the US, it was brave and really sad (I know there's a better word haha) and Mads Mikkelsen does a amazing job. But I remember how beautiful the film was and how I felt the story in the scenery... I guess I have the cinematographers to thank for that! Watch it, in fact watch anything with Mads Mikkelsen in it. He's in a TV version of Hannibal as Hannibal Lecter, he's terrifying...and that's an understatement. Great writing, great look, brave choice of topic, wonderful actor.

Okay that's it for today,, but yes those are some great films!

For your listening pleasure:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Crap Films

Why are there so many crappy films, WHY. Watching a bad film gives me actual pain, I get a headache. But I write short films, and I know mine are going to be bad too, but I gotta write more of them so I can get better. It's scary though, being bad, messing up, but I'm learning as I get older that it's okay, it's still scary... I guess I'm scared of crap films and crap films are scary...especially when I write them haha

These are the worst movies I have seen in the last gave me pain to save these pics to my computer, oh the things I do for this blog.


For your listening pleasure:

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Sorry ya'll, I never meant to be one of those people who disappear on their blog. I have been dealing with a heavy work load and being sick. If anyone's still here, here I am!

Noel Fisher, a fantastic actor who was on Shameless (SHOWTIME). Watch it if ya can!

For your listening pleasure:

Monday, April 18, 2016

I'm Sick

I'm sick, I'm dyin, help.

I LOVE Scotty McCreery SOOOO much. I'm a southern girl to my heart ya'll!

For your listening pleasure:
SexyBack By: Justin Timberlake

I had a Justin Bieber phase lol, it was like last year before my Eminem phase. He's so wonderful :3

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A good film and a bad film

So I saw a terrible movie with my mom, it was yet another YA novel in a dsytopian society and it sucked. It deserves no more wor-

But I did see The Hateful Eight and Schindler's List. Tarantino and Spielburg what a treat.

The Hateful Eight was as wonderfully long-winded, visually stunning, and traumatizingly bloody as I could expect for good old Tarantino. I've never seen a film and want to go back in and watch it again 15 minutes later.

Schindler's List was a beautiful film and great tribute to the millions killed in the Holocaust. Definitely made me cry. Sir Ben Kingsley, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And I was disgusted by Ralph that guy.  He was also amazing hilarious and dapper in The Grand Budapest Hotel.

So I got to cleanse my brain with such beautiful films after seeing "The Fifth Wave" UGH never AGAIN. But I gotta go.

Love this quote and Charlie Chaplin's films!

For your listening pleasure:

Friday, April 15, 2016


Hello, it's Friday!!!! Gonna go see a terrible movie with my mom, but I'm in on it for the concessions! But that's it, tomorrow I'm gonna go see The Hateful Eight, an actually good film lol. I LOVE Quentin Tarantino films so I think this is gonna be awesome, his films always surprise, amaze, and interest me so much. And I love Samuel L.Jackson, I admire his talent and hardwork so much. But yah that's it haha.

Cause I love RDJ too much lol

For your listening pleasure:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hey all ya'll

How are all ya'll? I'm okay, watching TV as usual. I have also go into segments by John Oliver on This Week Tonight, he is so funny and I love the logic and research he puts into them. You should totally watch some! Also this week is almost over so yay! And if you're looking for a cool mobile game to play, Sims Freeplay is really cool, I prefer the computer game version but it is pretty cool. But this has inspired me! I shall write down a list of some of my favorite comedians!

Jim Gaffigan: Love that food humor and he's lovable af, great guy! He has a show, I haven't seen it but It's probably great

Steve Martin: Classical hilarious and a hero of mine.

David Walliams: My favorite camp straight guy, watch him on Little Britian, there is wonderful cross-dressing, I'M A LADYYYYYYY.

Sacha Baron Cohen: Ridiculously hilarious and very smart, love Borat, Bruno, and Ali G the most!

Robin Williams: The best energy and makes me so happy (Rest In Peace)

Frankie Boyle: Very vulgar and controversial, awesomeness

Sean Lock: Crazy random and so funny

Bill Burr: He's so hilarious and is always real, he has a great podcast if you wanna listen!

Kristen Wiig: amazingly funny and multi-talented.

Ricky Gervais: So smart and writes such great shows!

Simon Amstell: Had hilariously biting humor and recently switched to more self depreciating humor, love it either way.

Tracy Morgan: Crazy and super smart (I read his book so I know what he's about lol)

The Mighty Boosh: I will never get over Noel Fielding (right) and they are so weird and funny together.

Matthew Horne: Watch Bad Education, you will not regret it AT ALL.

Louis C.K.: Real, smart, crazy af, love his show (Louie)

Jimmy Carr: Smart, Vulgar, and he has wonderful timing, love his specials, oh and he kills hecklers.

Will Ferrell: You know why I love him, everyone does.

Craig Ferguson: Really funny and dont give af, he is himself and I love his old and new show (New one: Join or Die, really funny and interesting)

Tina Fey: She's amazing and she's mom cause she's an great writer and talented woman!!! (This is her as Liz Lemon on 30 Rock, WATCH IT!!!!!)

For your listening pleasure:
Crazy Frog By: Axel F (The song of an annoying generation)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I'm not really that interesting

I would write everyday, but when I d nothing I don't feel as if I should. I don't want to write on here just to write on here. I do love writing on here though. Well, this weekend I went to a award ceremony for academic excellence and I go approved for a interview for a job! I'm so tired of being broke so I'm looking forward to the interview! Well that's really I have been up to this weekend! I will write again when I can!

Chris Evans ;)
(So excited for Captain America: Civil War!)

For your listening pleasure:
Army Of One By: Coldplay

(Can't really find it online so it isn't a link)

Friday, April 8, 2016


My GoFundMe page

I would like to go to a Summer Film Program in NYC but I'm not rich AT ALL, so if you can contribute anything it would be amazing :D

This was my face when I started it, I was thinking IS ANYONE REALLY GONNA DONATE???

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Books and Stuff

I love a good book, I just checked out one on English Romantic Writers. I am so excited! I love romantic literature, a lot. I love to read, I love words. I have always liked to read and been way over my grade's specified reading level but over the past couple years I have grown to love reading even more. Stephen Fry was a big part of that, he loved words and books and through him I saw the beauty of words, beauty of knowledge. I'm glad I see it, I'm glad the world slows down when I read a beauty poem or story. The idea of new vocabulary and new adventures in my mind makes me happy, it is among cute baby videos, Twinkies, helping people, watching great films, and chocolate for me haha. I want to learn how to right good stories and make movies with them. Dreams am I right?!

One of my favorite gif's of him haha. The sass was real and still is with Stephen Fry.

For your listening pleasure:
Not That Simple By: Mike Posner

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hello ya'll

Sorry ya'll I have been getting my hair braided (it takes a long time okay lol), saw some family, and got a migraine...Still have a headache. Ugh. Spring Break is over but I am still home because of the headache. I am also preparing for my SAT, that's a hassle too! Too many mature things to do. Growing up is the worst. But I gotta take some meds and sleep so I will be back tomorrow.

Bc I love Doctor Who!

For your listening pleasure:

Friday, April 1, 2016


So Spring Break is coming to a close and I should probably start my homework, but I have been binge watching Wilfred and I'm almost done. I might start my homework tonight but I also might play sims on my phone and eat Pb and j's. Ya never know, my life is pretty crazy. Between napping all day and going through Insta randomly I never catch a break. And, I'm writing something, I think it's pretty good, I think I want to get it peer edited by one of my teachers. I'm glad I have been able to have this break, but I cant wait to see my friends when I get back. Anyway I don't really have much else to share so I shall go and write again tomorrow!


Bc I loved 2000s Eminem and his clear insanity,
but he is still really awesome today w/o the drugs lol.

For your listening pleasure:
(I know every word to this song lololol)