Sunday, May 22, 2016


All I can do is be me, whoever that is
-Bob Dylan

I'm becoming too philosophical.....I quite like it. I really like the commercial where Christopher Walken wears socks on his hands. And I think I'm in love a bit. I've been in love a bit before, it was weird, I really liked it. Kesha did a tribute to Bob Dylan so I felt like the world was okay for a bit. I know it's not. I really hate Dancing With The Stars, like a lot. I cant wait for school to end so I can catch up on TV and watch the list of films I have to watch, I'm trying to live up to my name (a film buff). Reading books helps too. I cant write stories if I don't read them. I have a bump on my back but I'm not sure what is it...I cant see it. I like tall, hairy guys...I feel the same about dogs.

Here's some pictures of a tall hairy man I admire a lot.

His name is Lee Pace and he's a fantastic actor.
Who else watched Pushing Daisies?
(These are all from his Twitter)
For your listening pleasure:
1970 By:The Stooges

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