Sunday, April 17, 2016

A good film and a bad film

So I saw a terrible movie with my mom, it was yet another YA novel in a dsytopian society and it sucked. It deserves no more wor-

But I did see The Hateful Eight and Schindler's List. Tarantino and Spielburg what a treat.

The Hateful Eight was as wonderfully long-winded, visually stunning, and traumatizingly bloody as I could expect for good old Tarantino. I've never seen a film and want to go back in and watch it again 15 minutes later.

Schindler's List was a beautiful film and great tribute to the millions killed in the Holocaust. Definitely made me cry. Sir Ben Kingsley, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. And I was disgusted by Ralph that guy.  He was also amazing hilarious and dapper in The Grand Budapest Hotel.

So I got to cleanse my brain with such beautiful films after seeing "The Fifth Wave" UGH never AGAIN. But I gotta go.

Love this quote and Charlie Chaplin's films!

For your listening pleasure:

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