Friday, April 1, 2016


So Spring Break is coming to a close and I should probably start my homework, but I have been binge watching Wilfred and I'm almost done. I might start my homework tonight but I also might play sims on my phone and eat Pb and j's. Ya never know, my life is pretty crazy. Between napping all day and going through Insta randomly I never catch a break. And, I'm writing something, I think it's pretty good, I think I want to get it peer edited by one of my teachers. I'm glad I have been able to have this break, but I cant wait to see my friends when I get back. Anyway I don't really have much else to share so I shall go and write again tomorrow!


Bc I loved 2000s Eminem and his clear insanity,
but he is still really awesome today w/o the drugs lol.

For your listening pleasure:
(I know every word to this song lololol)

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