Friday, April 29, 2016

Good Films

I adore a good film, though what I think is a "good" film might night not be what others do, or what critics do. And I love a lot of films for reasons people don't expect. First off, I love drama, I love comedy tons, but I always say it's not a good film unless I'm crying. I don't only watch dramas though, I love the cult classics, musicals, and if I'm in the mood I might watch a rom-com. But I guess I'll give some examples of some of my favorite films and why.
(I know I did something like this but I only had The Paperboy, Neo Ned, Resevior Dogs, and Trainspotting and I've talked about Brokeback Mountain, I really love that film)
Ps: I'm way better at talking about what I hate about bad films and I am at talking about the things I love about a film haha. I cant spot why something makes me feel all warm and fuzzy tbh.

This film is adapted from a play and it stars "Meryl StreepJulia RobertsEwan McGregorChris CooperAbigail BreslinBenedict CumberbatchJuliette LewisMargo MartindaleDermot Mulroney, and Julianne Nicholson" (That list is straight from Wikipedia). Though it is adapted from a play and it's setting is the house 80% of the time it's still fabulous with great actors left and right. Meryl Streep's performance is stunning (as to be expected). The soundtrack was also a huge part of my loving this film, not only is their great writing and great actors there's also beautiful music! Listen to it if you can! Watch it if you can!

Now this film, I literally just finished watching this film 30 minutes ago. It's also adapted from a play. Again I'm a bigger fan on different locations but it stays in an apartment. It's about two pairs of parents talking about one of their kids hitting the other. I'm telling you, this isn't The Slap, this is good, I'm sure you could tell it is because of Polanski (though I know a good director can make a bad movie. I watched this film because I was in the Christoph Waltz-y mood and I was pleasantly surprised! I loved Kate Winslet and Jodie Foster in this, amazing amazing. (The Slap was this crap show about a parent slapping someone's kid, it was on NBC and it didn't last very long, it was unbelievable stupid haha).

This movie is an adaption, of "Great Expectations" by: Charles Dickens. Wikipedia summary: "While civil war rages on her island, a girl immerses herself in an imaginary world which fuses the Victorian London of "Great Expectations" with the environment and people she knows" We all know Hugh Laurie is a fabulous actor and great acting+a lot of heart (cliche I know, but it's really true) and Charles Dickens = a great film.

This a film about a man who was wrongly accused of being a pedophile by a little girl who had a crush on him. I knew this had to be film made in another country because this isn't a big subject matter for films in the US, it was brave and really sad (I know there's a better word haha) and Mads Mikkelsen does a amazing job. But I remember how beautiful the film was and how I felt the story in the scenery... I guess I have the cinematographers to thank for that! Watch it, in fact watch anything with Mads Mikkelsen in it. He's in a TV version of Hannibal as Hannibal Lecter, he's terrifying...and that's an understatement. Great writing, great look, brave choice of topic, wonderful actor.

Okay that's it for today,, but yes those are some great films!

For your listening pleasure:

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