Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Books and Stuff

I love a good book, I just checked out one on English Romantic Writers. I am so excited! I love romantic literature, a lot. I love to read, I love words. I have always liked to read and been way over my grade's specified reading level but over the past couple years I have grown to love reading even more. Stephen Fry was a big part of that, he loved words and books and through him I saw the beauty of words, beauty of knowledge. I'm glad I see it, I'm glad the world slows down when I read a beauty poem or story. The idea of new vocabulary and new adventures in my mind makes me happy, it is among cute baby videos, Twinkies, helping people, watching great films, and chocolate for me haha. I want to learn how to right good stories and make movies with them. Dreams am I right?!

One of my favorite gif's of him haha. The sass was real and still is with Stephen Fry.

For your listening pleasure:
Not That Simple By: Mike Posner

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