Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I'm Back

Hello! Nobody is reading this but alas I shall write hello! My life hasn't changed much....well actually it has changed quite a bit since my last post. Since September 2nd of last year I have fallen in love with someone,been accepted to college, and realized I'm actually more in love with Oscar Wilde than I thought. Actually I already knew that last one but a list with two things isn't really that good. Falling in love is terribly painful, especially when they don't feel the same. But he was my best friend and he told me in the nicest way he could...goodness this is a long story and I'll dedicate a blog to it. Anyway college is very scary and the debttttt. Ugh well I will write soon about my first love as a 17 year old. (Now I'm 18),and all the tears that come with that. Bye :)

Song: Simple and Sweet by Jon Bellion
This is a picture of Joel Edgerton a actor,writer, and director who currently has my heart 😍

Friday, September 2, 2016

Labor Day Weekend

Hello hello!

Its Labor Day weekend! I'm not doing anything tho haha. I'm just gonna watch House of Cards tbh. I had a nice first week of school. I have a class with the guy I like and I like my teachers. I need to practice my sewing too haha. I'm going to go in and practice how to pivot on the sewing machine soooo much. I love Apparel so much. Any I'm kind of confused on what papers are for what class since I have the same teacher for two classes but I'm gonna try to get better at organizing. And I didn't anticipate how many dates there are to remember Senior year, ugh so annoying. This is kind of a mixed up post but I just felt like posting. I've also been going to bed at 10 everyday since school started and it's 9 right now and I almost started worrying haha, so happy it's Friday!
Anyway that's it!

How I was looking at annoying Freshman during lunch today...for real tho. (Jensen Ackles from Supernatural)

*whenever I see Freshman I wonder if I looked that uncomfortable in my own body, and the answer is yes. I care so much less this year hahaha

For your listening pleasure:

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

100th Post!

I missed some days but I'm back! I started school this week so I was being responsible and going to ed earlier. I like my classes and I've got a lot of my friends in my classes and lunch.

This is also my 100th blog post haha. I don't know when I should celebrate my next post milestone. I guess 500.

I have Civics and Economics and I'm really into leaning more about government and the Presidential race.

I have also done my homework like a good student haha. Hope I keep that up.

Also I'm a bit depressed so I hope that gets better.

Here's a amazing pic of Craig Ferguson when he was younger. OOooh so handsome. I've been getting into his appearances on Hot In Cleveland, the acting is crap but anything to hear his accent haha

For your listening pleasure:
Queen Bitch By: David Bowie

Friday, August 26, 2016


Hello today.

I've been feeling jealous a lot lately looking at my classmates' Instagram accounts. Of course that is a small part of their lives that they're posting but they always seem to be having more fun than me, not really in the everyday sense I'm quite a happy person, I mean in the social sense, they're more popular. And I know all people have the "I wanna be popular" thing but it really brings me down. I know it's normal to feel this way but since I overthink everything I feel or do I'm always looking back at my feelings and asking why. From therapy I learned to asses my anxious thoughts to see if they were logical or not, I've gotten better and I can "out-logic" a thought but I still feel it. Its annoying, and I want to not care but it's very hard to when you're in High School bc people force their opinions on you about how you look or act no matter what.

I met my teachers (their cool, so farrrr) and I have honors classes and a one academic so that's where I have to worry about bullying or at least teasing or laughing from time to time. I kind of prepare and know whats going to happen when I'm in a academic class, that's where the not so smart people are and those are the people who like to tease me. I've been teased for so long I'm used to it lol. In my honors classes people just wanna do their work mostly so I face teasing much less if at all in those. And the weirdest thing is fellow black people tease me the most, it's always been that way for some reason white people seem to be able to at least wait for you to be out of sight before they start trashing you, and that's what I prefer haha. I know people are going to be mean I would just rather they do it out of my eye line. But anyway I'm jealous and I'm not sure how to get over it but that's all I shall say today...

Oh! And I just downloaded "Great Expectations" on my phone. I LOVE it, I love Dickens. And there's this awesome movie called "Mr.Pip" with Hugh Laurie in it, it's based on the book, watch it if you can! It's a bit of a tearjerker tho!

A gif I made cause why not!? And when ya feelin good, ya feelin good!!!

For your listening pleasure:

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Back To School

I'm going to my open house and I'm going to get to see many friends and many annoying people I have to tolerate for one more year. So many politics I have to negotiate too: where I'm going to sit during lunch, if I'm actually going to be in Yearbook more than once, if I'm going to get a yearbook, if my crush is in any of my classes, who I'm going to prom with, how much I'm going to hate math, many things! You literally don't understand how much I'm SO HAPPY I don't have to French anymore, I wanna cry over how happy I am about that. I have some great classes (I've already sad lol) and I'm excited!

Another interesting thing happened on Twitter this morning: the hashtag #AltRightMeans. I wrote this.


I feel like "AltRighters" feel a certain way and they present it in a way that they know will get a rise out of people, and they like that. I also think some people use it as a veil for racism and other types of hate. There are many different types of AltRighters from what I've seen. But when you really ask then what they're about it's basically: attention, hate, or government change that they think would benefit the US a a whole (or sometimes a mix of them all). And it all started with the growing culture of Politically Correct words, actions, even thoughts and most of them hate that. I was watching some clips of Overtime (a segment) of Real Time with Bill Maher and he was discussing with the guy from Law and Order with the huge ears where being anti-pc goes too far, they really didn't know until they knew. I feel the same. And I feel that these people don't want to be pc so much they cross the lines between acceptable behavior over and over. But who decides where that line is is the main question. I agree with, I'll say...more thoughtful AltRighters, in the fact that I want the US to do better economically and socially, but little else. I don't believe the US should prosper at the expense of other countries and even though I wanted to see someone running for president that was different from the failing machine already there, it cannot be Trump, Plus I'm not a Republican, alt. or regular haha. It's all very complicated and I wish we could just talk it out with a smile, but alas the world is no dream.

Ps: I watch YouTubers and it really stands out to me when someone or specifically the one I love "ItsBlackFriday" (shes goth and she's smart and amazing af) says "Be good/nice to one other" it's something we should all do and it gives me hope in the good of people :)

And this picture to bring joyyyy, I love Conan and animals and this is SO ADORABLE.

For your listening pleasure:

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Annoyed/Law and Order

I'm annoyed/mad for no reason,well there is a reason but it's stupid so it doesn't count. I'm watching Law and Order: SVU so that probably wont help haha. I would really like a pizza and a half dozen of blue berry donuts. I sound like I'm on my period haha but I assure you it just ended. But seriously I'm in a terrible mood and I'm going to listen to some music and try to smile. I don't have it in me to write about anything.

This picture makes it a bit better because I love flat-faced cats...still annoyed tho.

For your listening pleasure:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


There's this amazing show in Cartoon Network called The Amazing World of Gumball, I absolutely love it. Its a very smart and insanely creative cartoon. There are many different types of animation used and forth wall references for days. The cast of characters include a talking pet fish named Darwin and the main character Gumball a cat, a school councilor who is a cloud and a hippy, a grumpy baboon teacher with saggy boobs, a talking banana, a piece of toast, a really nice balloon, a huge T-rex named Tina, and his genius four year old sister who is a bunny (Gumball's mom is a cat and his dad is a bunny). It's fabulous, I love it.

I really want a donut right now...a blue berry one, those are my favorite.

I'm not feeling particularly angsty or thoughtful today so this post isn't too impressive hahahaha


For your listening pleasure: