Tuesday, August 23, 2016


There's this amazing show in Cartoon Network called The Amazing World of Gumball, I absolutely love it. Its a very smart and insanely creative cartoon. There are many different types of animation used and forth wall references for days. The cast of characters include a talking pet fish named Darwin and the main character Gumball a cat, a school councilor who is a cloud and a hippy, a grumpy baboon teacher with saggy boobs, a talking banana, a piece of toast, a really nice balloon, a huge T-rex named Tina, and his genius four year old sister who is a bunny (Gumball's mom is a cat and his dad is a bunny). It's fabulous, I love it.

I really want a donut right now...a blue berry one, those are my favorite.

I'm not feeling particularly angsty or thoughtful today so this post isn't too impressive hahahaha


For your listening pleasure:

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