Thursday, August 25, 2016

Back To School

I'm going to my open house and I'm going to get to see many friends and many annoying people I have to tolerate for one more year. So many politics I have to negotiate too: where I'm going to sit during lunch, if I'm actually going to be in Yearbook more than once, if I'm going to get a yearbook, if my crush is in any of my classes, who I'm going to prom with, how much I'm going to hate math, many things! You literally don't understand how much I'm SO HAPPY I don't have to French anymore, I wanna cry over how happy I am about that. I have some great classes (I've already sad lol) and I'm excited!

Another interesting thing happened on Twitter this morning: the hashtag #AltRightMeans. I wrote this.


I feel like "AltRighters" feel a certain way and they present it in a way that they know will get a rise out of people, and they like that. I also think some people use it as a veil for racism and other types of hate. There are many different types of AltRighters from what I've seen. But when you really ask then what they're about it's basically: attention, hate, or government change that they think would benefit the US a a whole (or sometimes a mix of them all). And it all started with the growing culture of Politically Correct words, actions, even thoughts and most of them hate that. I was watching some clips of Overtime (a segment) of Real Time with Bill Maher and he was discussing with the guy from Law and Order with the huge ears where being anti-pc goes too far, they really didn't know until they knew. I feel the same. And I feel that these people don't want to be pc so much they cross the lines between acceptable behavior over and over. But who decides where that line is is the main question. I agree with, I'll say...more thoughtful AltRighters, in the fact that I want the US to do better economically and socially, but little else. I don't believe the US should prosper at the expense of other countries and even though I wanted to see someone running for president that was different from the failing machine already there, it cannot be Trump, Plus I'm not a Republican, alt. or regular haha. It's all very complicated and I wish we could just talk it out with a smile, but alas the world is no dream.

Ps: I watch YouTubers and it really stands out to me when someone or specifically the one I love "ItsBlackFriday" (shes goth and she's smart and amazing af) says "Be good/nice to one other" it's something we should all do and it gives me hope in the good of people :)

And this picture to bring joyyyy, I love Conan and animals and this is SO ADORABLE.

For your listening pleasure:

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