Tuesday, August 30, 2016

100th Post!

I missed some days but I'm back! I started school this week so I was being responsible and going to ed earlier. I like my classes and I've got a lot of my friends in my classes and lunch.

This is also my 100th blog post haha. I don't know when I should celebrate my next post milestone. I guess 500.

I have Civics and Economics and I'm really into leaning more about government and the Presidential race.

I have also done my homework like a good student haha. Hope I keep that up.

Also I'm a bit depressed so I hope that gets better.

Here's a amazing pic of Craig Ferguson when he was younger. OOooh so handsome. I've been getting into his appearances on Hot In Cleveland, the acting is crap but anything to hear his accent haha

For your listening pleasure:
Queen Bitch By: David Bowie

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