Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tattoos and Dreams

My count down to the first day of my last year of high school has started. It's 3 weeks from now. I feel much more confident as a senior so I think everything is gonna go okay :). I had a truly horrifying nightmare last night, I cannot remember the whole thing but I can still remember how scared I was. But I'm gonna cure my bad feelings with some Colbert Report clips and it will be all better haha.

I just looked up what my dream meant...it's actually true.

"Dreaming about being chased may also mean that you are trying to avoid something painful, uneasy or fearful of something. These feelings in the real world can often be expressed in a person’s subconscious through the act of dreaming about it. People who don’t like to confront situations in the real world and run away from their problem may have a chase or fleeing dream. It is always important to ask yourself what you are running from in the dream."

I have been avoiding writing screenplays because I'm scared they're gonna suck...And I have been having these chasing dreams for a while now. At least 3 months, basically all summer...I have to face this or this will continue...I'm just so scared. I've posted on here about being scared to try things because I'm scared to fail, but sometimes I cannot MAKE myself do it. I'm disappointing in myself to be honest. I'm gonna try....maybe.

I want to get this tattoo. Maybe on my 18th birthday. I just need to decide where I want to get it and how big. I think might want it on my upper thigh like my mom has (she has a different tattoo haha). I got the idea from the latest Coldplay album cover. I thought about getting it in color too but I'm black, I'm light but I'm afraid it wont show up. I think I'll go with black.

For your listening pleasure:
(This sounds older than it is (like 70s) and it's a jammmm of mine haha. Also Elton John helped write it!)

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