Monday, August 8, 2016


Hey ya'll,
I missed a day and I feel like crap for it but here I am! Not that many people see this blog anyway so I think I'm okay haha. I just had a lazy Sunday yesterday, we didn't go to church bc my mom was too tired. I just sat in my bed and watched debates on my phone with Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins, mostly on the Catholic church. I by no means agree with a lot of stuff these men say lol, but they're smart and Bill Maher is a libertarian so I don't think much differently politics wise.

Today it's really rainy and my step-dad is sick so it's a pretty glum day. I feel perfectly fine though. I'm just very happy I am though, I'm always worried I'm going to have a bought of depression again, sometimes it comes from a event but a lot of the time it just comes, It may be because of my anxiety meds though, they help depression but somehow cause it too haha.

AND there's another guy in the race to be president! He's running as a Independent but he's a Republican and he's backed some republicans who don't want Donald Trump, many people's prayers have been answered lol.

Lee Pace, he's my fav :3
He was Thranduil in The Hobbit (found this on Pinterest)

For your listening pleasure:
(really sad song but what the heck! lol)

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