Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Sup ya'll. Haha I am loving how Trump is being blasted by the news, hopefully he loses even more traction and says even more dangerous things, maybe people will start to realize just how stupid and insane he actually is :) I just wish we still had Bernie but ya know that's over now.

Yesterday I was like dying over Michael Phelps, he's so cute :3. And his son is adorable too. When I see people that amazing I just want their life to go as great as possible.

I also had a conversation with this crazy racist on YouTube, he said some pretty crazy stuff about how my soul was filthy and how my life didn't matter, and for some reason it didn't upset me, I just said sarcastic stuff back haha. It didn't upset me because I know I'm a good person and everyone matters. I found it so strange that he was confident to tell me these lies simply because of my skin color. I'm not mad or sad as much as I pity him, he said he studied for a long time and found what he said was true, it seems like a waste to "study" and not actually learn anything useful or factual. I think educating yourself helps you consider the point of view of others that aren't the same as you, that's what it taught me. The more I learn about people and life the more I realize that we have to stick together because the world is a terrible and great place, but I guess some have convinced themselves it's more terrible than great. I don't want to be cynical, it's easy to be cynical, it doesn't require consideration of new thoughts and ideas. But I think considering new thoughts and ideas helps people grow and brings us closer together as a society. I believe in being able to have your own views and opinions but hating someone because of stereotypes helps no one and only shows ignorance and cynicism. Learning isn't supposed to make you more stupid lol

Show love everyone <3

Dem pants I love 'em haha.

For your listening pleasure:
(Jamity Jammmmm)

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