Friday, August 19, 2016


I was filling out a college essay thingy idk what exactly it was but it was asking about a time when I challenged a idea or belief. It made me realize I had been doing that my entire life, I've been fighting against what people tell me I should do,what I should believe,how I should express myself. My religion more than anything has made me feel like I'm in a box of what I can and cannot do, how I should dress, who I can be attracted to. I take what it says less literally now it makes me feel a lot better. It started with the religion class I took last year and now I think so much more about everything (not I didn't a ton already). I'm so happy about it. I'm quite happy haha. Goodness how can I be punk if I'm so happy haha.

I could write much much more on this topic but goodness I cannot write more deep crap today.
all da love <3

I have this gif and sometimes it be bein true ;)

For your listening pleasure:
Downtown By: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (ft.Eric Nally, Melle Mel, Kool Moe Dee, and Grandmaster Caz)

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