Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Stuff about Stuff

Hello! So I'm still not doing anything, just waiting to go to school, and something happened on Twitter (a lot happens on Twitter tbh haha). A comedian got some really mean messages about a movie she was in and about her appearance (relentless ones) and Twitter suspended the guy who it started with and people want him back. It's from the whole "leftist media controls everything"/ "we hate feminists and BLM" crowd ya know. They're really annoying, you can disagree with something and not be a jerk about it. I am not a feminist but I don't think all feminists should be brushed off or assumed to be radical. And I'm black but I don't support BLM because I don't want to, they do some good things and some bad things and most people assume they're militant black people who hate white people, I don't. And I do think the name is correct also and it annoys me when people say "All lives matter not just black lives!", they are missing the point, when someone sees a surge in police brutality and crime against black people to some it feels necessary to point out that the people who are killed's lives actually mattered, that they weren't just a number in a story. It just comes down to ignorance, people get angry before they even know what is going on, the mob mentality does a lot of people just fine I guess. I just say learn about a subject in a balanced way (the argument of both sides) and then decide what you support.

These are two cool guys I love.
(Sir Ian McKellan and Sir Patrick Stewart A.K.A. Gandalf and Jean-Luc Picard)

For your listening pleasure:
Hey Mama By: David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha & Afrojack

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