Thursday, July 21, 2016

Short but sweetish

Hello, been watching movies a junk. I tried to watch Se7en last night because I wanted to start on the David Fincher directed films on my "Movies To Watch" list, but I was eating so I couldn't lol. I'm gonna finish it today, not while I'm eating of course. My GoFundMe is doing good, I'm going to put the link in here again if you wanna donate, we're almost halfway there!

My GoFundMe

Also the RNC has been hilariously weird and kind of scary. Scared to live in a country a self important orange businessman runs but lets see how it goes!

It's Ernest Hemingway and Robin Williams' birthday today, I adore Robin Williams with all my heart and my soul so I intend to remember him every year.

For your listening pleasure: 7 Years By: Lukas Graham
(Annoying name spelling but nonetheless it's a great song lol)

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