Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Its been sooo long

Well people I'm back. It's been a while but no one missed my posts so I assume it's fine haha. I've been up to nothing really, writing, YouTube, Netflix, Films, ya know all that. I also made a stop motion! Its a weird concept but I like it. But making it I learned I'm a procrastinator and I'm very scared to fail so sometimes I don't try. But there's no pressure here so I don't know why I'm scared. I'm preparing for my Senior year, getting to know more about colleges and all that. But I don't know if I'll keep up doing this or what but I know it's good to write everyday. Also I'm taking this post as a opportunity to post my GoFundMe page to help my mom pay for hospital bills, if one person who sees this can give 2 dollars that would be amazing. Have a great day :)

GoFundMe Link

I like Colin Firth and his dimples too much.

For your listening pleasure:

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