Friday, February 19, 2016

C'est Vendredi!

TGIF! I take french, the title is just "It's Friday". I have quite a lot to do tomorrow. My day is starting at 8am tomorrow ugh, I would rather be lazy and watch Netflix but ALAS. Life is at my door! I am so excited about Senior year, I have 3 core classes and 5 electives yayayayay! I am taking so many English electives too very happy about that! And I talked a lot to my friend who's a hippie about David Bowie, soo much love! She adored him also, we were talking about the people we adore that have passed away. I loved Robin Williams so we were dyin over that, I miss him a lot...I really admired him. I want to be comedian secretly but I am too shy, he reallyyy we a big influence to me. Him and Jim Carrey, but he's still alive. Hope I get to meet him one day and he's not a jerk. We were talking about that on the way to a field trip for my religion class. We went to a Buddhist temple I really liked it, I love how peaceful it is. I think it's good to have something to help with a cluttered mind, which I have. I guite like it! But anyway I'm gonna go!

My inspiration, Rest In Peace Mr.Williams.

For your listening pleasure: Valentine's Day By: David Bowie 
(Been so addicted to this song!)

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