Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Sup ya'll, It has been a great day. Mostly because I got enough sleep last night, my classes were kinda fun, and I was listening to a lot of David Bowie. He is fabulous! I know if I were alive when he was coming up I would be a rabid fan of him. And since he seemed to like black girls I think I would have even had a chance ;) Butttt other than my fanaticism today I have not done much else. This is the reason I don't know what to say when people ask what kind of music I listen to, it's a lot of things. A lot of classic rock, pop rock, and alternative, but to top it off I love the top pop songs of the time too. Anyway that was a random look into my music tastes. And more pictures!

For my new 'Hero'. Rest In Peace Mr.Bowie

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