Friday, August 12, 2016


I sat up late watching House Of Cards again, it was cray. I am still on Season 1 but it's great. And I've been dodging spoilers every where lol. I'm also proud o myself because I wrote some more of my screenplay :) It helps better when I surprise my mind into doing a activity so I don't have time to worry about it. That is how I would get though performances in theater: I wouldn't think about the whole "everyone is watching you" thoughts until I got up on stage and by then it was too late to stop. Anyway today I'm watching more CashCourse videos (the Green bros, Hank and John Green), but I'm watching the ones on Psychology. I really like psychology and sociology just like my mom. I'm taking Sociology this year and I love to learn more about psychology in any way I can. Honestly I love psychology more but sociology is very cool too. I'm probably just gonna watch some more House Of Cards again today and that'll be it.

Benedict Cumberbatch jumping on a huge bear, this made my xD

For your listening pleasure:

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