Wednesday, July 27, 2016

sup yo

Was trying to post everyday but I guess I forgot, I spent a couple days watching a soap opera story line lol. I was just watching random crap and the DNC came on on CNN, Anderson Cooper's face is always a wonderful greeting haha. I'm pretty annoyed with third election cycle and candidates, I don't like either of them, glad I have one more year until I can vote so other people have to make that terrible choice! I just cant wait to start my senior year and get high school over with.

Every summer I become obsessed with something new, and this year it seemed to be learning random stuff, more about government,geography, literature, and the psychology of people. I've had a lot of fun this summer but I like being busy so school sounds better. Also idk what I'm gonna do about my crush and I hope I get someone to go to prom with me this year, felt like such a loser last year...I'm looking forward to a new start and I'm excited about the future :).

I bust out laughing whenever I see this so i must post this lol
(Stephen Colbert)

For your listening pleasure: Mirrors By: Justin Timberlake

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