Thursday, July 28, 2016

Gotta write!

I am writing a spec script type thing of a Scandal episode, this screenwriter on Twitter told me I should practice by doing my own version of a show I like. I'm VERY lazy and love to procrastinate so I don't have many pages written but I have the whole plot made. How am I gonna be a writer if I cant write lol. Goodness I wish I could be a poet, that's one of my biggest dreams, I just love poetry. But anyway I'm getting on it today!

I watched 12 Years A Slave today and it really shook me, I've seen it before but it really shakes you no matter how many times you see it. Makes me glad I don't have to be enslaved but I'm sad my ansesters most probably were. I'm just feeling very lucky.

I also got American Psycho from the library a couple days ago and it's kind of confusing but I think it's good writing.  Not that I'm a critic or anything.

Also I was binge watching Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee and that made me want to be comedian even more than I thought I did. I've want to be comedian since forever and I've wanted to be on SNL since I was like 12. But I have terrible stage fright so I never think I will be able to, it's very weird, even if I know I'm going to be fine my body still reacts, I start to shake and my voice shake too, I got to know this when I was in Theatre. I wanted to be a actor for a while too, I even read a Stanislavski book! I loved it, I just didn't get into the next step up from Theatre II that you have to audition for. :(

I just hope I get brave enough to actually achieve my dreams.

A gif from a awesome british show called 
Bad Education. Its pretty freaking funny.

For your listening pleasure:
Let's Hear It for the Boy By:Deniece Williams (On the soundtrack of one of my absolute favorite movies "Footloose" *THE 1984 VERSION NOT THAT STUPID NEW ONE)

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