Sunday, March 20, 2016


I went to go see Creed at a cheaper priced movie theatre, it was awesome, Loved the film. And now I finally see why Sylvester Stallone won that Golden Globe for his performance, he was fantastic. And I also see why Michael B. Jordan didn't he was good but he wasn't great, Stallone was great. I see it as this thing I call surface and actors acting. Surface acting is just saying lines and being a bit convincing. actors acting is being a different person, making people believe you aren't there. I'm not saying method acting, I am saying good acting. And M.B.J. he could get there, but he sure isn't there yet. But it was a funny, heartwarming, and inspiring film, liked it a lot.

Other than that I have been laying around all day. And that is my piece, bye!

still think he looks good even tho he's gonna be 70 this year lol


For your listening pleasure:

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