Saturday, March 19, 2016

A good-ish day

          Today is a Saturday, of course a great day, you get to sleep and do nothing. But I was disappointed today. The church I go to has written a letter to all of the volunteer teachers telling them they should not work in the children's ministry if they have cheated on their spouse, did drugs or had a DWI in the last 18 months. Or if they don't publish church appropriate things on their social media. My mother posted her happiness with the nationwide legalization of  same sex marriage. She told this to the leader and she can no longer teach the children. This makes me upset as she is a wonderful person and the most devout and nice Christian person I know, she has taught those children for years. She doesn't deserve this, and I wish I could do more to help and fight this, I just don't know how.

This pic from one of my favorite films "Brokeback Mountain" is for the gay people and same sex marriage that I wholeheartedly support.

For your listening pleasure:

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