Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hey Hey Hey (A little random)

Sup ya'll, I have been having fun this past week! I went to a hockey game yesterday, it was a really good game and I got to spend time with my bestest friend in the whole wide world (I'm 17 lol, why do I speak this way?). She's in college but we knew each other for two years before she graduated.

I have been worrying with my friends about Trump winning and it is so scary! I don't know how people don't see that he is terrible and isn't a actual politician, ugh. I cant vote yet but my older friends are and I know they wont vote for him, ughhhhhhhhh. He's just terrible!

I'm writing so early (or at all) because I finished my homework like a responsible student! I'm doing English and we are now in the Transcendentalist age, it is really great, I was reading a excerpt from Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson. His writing is beautiful, not as beautiful as my favorite writer Oscar Wilde, but very beautiful. It made me fall in love with words like I do when I read Wilde. I love words, they make a feel amazing. That's why I want to be writer I guess. Words and stories are some of the most beautiful things I have met in my life, you know, other than laughter, and cute babies. Stephen Fry made me realize this, he's really smart, I admire him so much.

(Stephen Fry: a warrior of language. My knight of knowledge.)

I shall be going now, but I suggest reading something that makes your heart sing!

For your listening pleasure:

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