Monday, March 28, 2016

Death In Paradise Mid- First Season thoughts

So, as it is Spring Break and I love tv shows and films I have been watching Netflix! I love British tv so I had a couple shows on my list. I randomly picked "Death in Paradise" off of the list and I really like it! It stars Ben Miller, Gary Carr, Danny John-Jules, and Sara Martins. I get Sherlock Holmes mystery vibes because of the great complexity of the crime and how the motive or killer is revealed in a very intelligent way. I love Sherlock Holmes books and films, the one with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law is my favorite version, though the show with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman is really great too. Richard Poole, played by Ben Miller, is kind of a Sherlock Holmes, he is very smart, very grumpy, and has big moments of realization about the crime he is trying to solve. He isn't a lovable but bragging know-it-all like the other Sherlocks I have seen, he is a British DI (I learned that means 'Detective Inspector') who is in the Caribbean with a smart group of officers working for and alongside him. The characters are interesting but lack depth, I am only 3/4 done with the first season but I feel as if I should know a bit more about them by now. Also I enjoy the show actually being filmed in the Caribbean instead of cheaply made in a fake sound stage or some crap. And what I love most of all is that I  do not know who is the killer until the writer want me to know. And when I think I know I'm wrong, it is not predictable.  Loving it!

The second SH movie was my favorite, and the third one is coming!

For your listening pleasure:

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