Monday, August 15, 2016

Twitter Discussions


I had a great discussion with some (I think) republicans on Twitter. It started with a incorrectly presented statistic about Republicans voting for rights for black rights saying that Republicans were in favor in blacks so blacks should thanks them. It was amendments. But I had to explain the to the poster of the tweet that the Republicans of then that decided those amendments were the democrats of to today. He disagreed and said I was indoctrinated to believe that by the democratic infused educational associations. I was confused why my telling him and others facts made them say I was indoctrinated. I was talking to others too. So I asked them why they thought this. They explained what they thought and I understood where they came from and I asked how they would change it and why. It basically came from a mistrust of the government and policy that weren't used to actually help people. I get that and I hoped they would understand that I would do my research but if I still had largely Democratic views that is no reason to be rude to me and others. I just hope I gave a image or someone who has Democratic ideas because of how I think it helps people and not because I'm stupid and trust the government. I try to be informed and I don't really trust the government. We ended up on a good note, we were just all happy because we could think freely and that we can do our own research. I'm only 17 I have plenty of time to research policy and maybe even change my views.

Made this gif bc I'm having period cravings. It explains perfectly haha

For your listening pleasure:

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