Thursday, March 3, 2016

My blog name

My blog name is "A Taco In A Strange World" as is probably known, I came up with it very randomly: I went on to my Google and saw a choice to make a blog, I have had the word Taco on my mind for about two years now so I thought it would work fine. I looked up a picture and found a Taco from a Google search. After that I went on to a photo editor kind of like Photoshop and I cut out the background, put a gradient of blue behind it, and typed the name of the blog under the taco. An here I am today! So that is the short and uninteresting story of the creation of my blog! Sorry, I gotta work on a essay. See ya!

For your watching pleasure:
Twin babies eat too many marshmallows (It's the cutest thing in all of humanity, plus I love babies lol)

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