Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday Eve

Happy Friday Eve!

I did all my homework, ughhhhhhhh. And now I'm watching YouTube. I have had a stressful couple of days so it helps to relax me. Been feeling depressed again, this always happens when my anxiety gets really bad but it seems to be getting worse lately. Looks like I gotta go back to therapy! Not that I mind I'm okay with it, It's quite nice to have someone to talk to. I'm in a religion class and learning about great, I think, and peaceful religions like Buddhism are looking really nice. Just the stopping of thinking so much would help, but I'm a writer so I cant have a quiet mind. Peace would be nice.

But alas! Anyway I'm reading Jane Eyre, I heard about it in a "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" sketch (the sketch is hilarious!). I think it's a famous book so I think I should probably read it. I have Frankenstein too, I really like it, it's so emotional! I'm half way through that. A good book helps with anxiety too! Poetry helps also, I love Walt Whitman, he has wonderful soulful (I feel like I should use a different word lol). But I should probably go to bed now haha, but I will be watching YouTube for a while. See ya!

For your listening pleasure:
Neon Noon By: Kasabian (truly amazing)

I REALLY love them!

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